Technics for staying up to date

I have just read this post about staying up to date that I think is mandatory for any computer science guy (as I wrote in Spanish on a previous post related to research teams).

In the post the author explains two main ideas:

  • Nowadays you need to be up to date on your field of interest (the article is about web designing HTML5 and CSS3)
  • The amount of information you can retrieve from internet or classical sources is unmanageable.

So I am going to explain how I try to filter, store and spread the info I need to be up to date. One the reasons I have this process is because my available time for reading has been dramatically reduced by two (2 and 4 yo) demons, so efficiency is mandatory for my time.

Disclaimer: Most of the links are from spanish webs, maybe this is confused but I wanted to be fair with the sources where I got the info. And of course my english is very bad but I am trying to improve day by day.

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